Our Initiatives

Visions Journal
The past year continued a rhythm of bringing new perspectives and energy to Visions: BC’s Mental Health and Substance Use Journal, the BC Partners’ flagship publication. Known for featuring stories from diverse people impacted by mental health and substance use concerns, Visions focused on timely issues like moving and nourishing our bodies; family, friends and substance use; and planning work on an issue exploring inclusive and accessible workplaces. The journal continued a new practice of selecting a guest managing editor from one of the BC Partners agencies other than the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). Collaborating in this new way, CMHA, Anxiety Canada and the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR) have built capacity and brought diverse perspectives and skills when coordinating each issue. Visions welcomed other new perspectives through recruitment of new external Editorial Board members and by hosting reader focus groups to more deeply evaluate the journal.
Focus group feedback indicated readers were excited to receive each new issue, often reading the entire magazine looking for stories and strategies that could help them better understand and help themselves or others. Visions’ articles helped readers feel less alone and create a safer, open space to discuss difficult topics. Many said they were especially impacted by the experiential stories, something that can’t often be found elsewhere. Professionals shared that they often use Visions as a teaching tool. The benefits of Visions also extended beyond its readership. Contributors experienced a sense of empowerment and pride, greater respect, empathy for others and better writing skills, along with greater self-acceptance and confidence. Readers were generally happy with the design, found most articles easy to read and really appreciated that the magazine was free. Focus-group comments included ideas for BC Partners to consider in making Visions even better and many positive reviews of the journal.